Day 4 – Staring at nothing

Today was a bit of a step…sideways, i guess.  I have to say, I was on a positive trend for the last 3 days, feeling better and better each day, but today felt like, well, yesterday.  Not to say yesterday was bad, but I am still shackled with this foggy head feeling and lack of concentration and motivation.  I find myself staring for no reason…like I did just now at that last sentence…it was like 5 seconds!  I’m not quite sure what I can do to avoid this, other than drinking more juice.  I’m doing very well on having a gallon per day, so maybe it’s not that, and it’s just going to take my body another day or two to realize it’s not being Punked. 🙂 I have to admit, I was a little disappointed in the built up “day 4 bliss” rumor.

Maybe going to the gym will bring me some clarity?  It usually makes me feel pretty good, so I guess it’s worth a try.  I’ve felt pretty sloth-like for this whole fasting experience, so maybe I just need to be perked up a little!  I’ll make sure to drink an extra jar of juice (I use 32 ounce mason jars) to replenish the calories I burn, and take it easy for the first go around.   I’ll let you know how it goes!

On an unrelated note, I met up with my friend Katie today.  She’s doing the fast as well and we have missed doing our usual coffee or happy hour dates, so we decided to go to the juice bar at Whole Foods to try and resocialize ourselves.  Um, holy expensive juice Batman!  They’re charging $6.99 for 16 ounces.  This isn’t any sort of amazing juice either…in fact it’s not even as good as the ones I make at home (and mine usually cost between $1-$4 for 32 ounces depending on the ingredients).  I do appreciate the availability they offer, maybe if I were visiting a different town for a day I could come here for my juice???  But wowza, what a rip off.  I know, I know, it’s like going to any bar/restaurant/coffee house: you pay for the atmosphere and convenience, so again, I appreciate the option to go out for juice.  It was just a bit of a shock.

So, here’s what I had today:

Whole Foods breakfast: celery, carrot, parsley, kale, orange

Breakfast #2: pineapple, honey dew, green grapes, carrot, cucumber, romaine lettuce, red cabbage

Lunch: celery, tomato, carrot, kale, iceberg lettuce, lemon, lime, green cabbage

Dinner: celery, kale, romaine lettuce, red onion, garlic, green cabbage, cucumber, tomato, lemon

Not much more to report for day 4.  Still a little brain dead, still taking annoyingly regular pee breaks, and still missing food.  I don’t really think that last one will ever go away.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. adilene8806
    Jan 07, 2012 @ 12:04:38

    Hang in there. The fogginess should go away. I feel great, but definitely no “bliss” lol. I, too, miss food…especially carbs 😦


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